Who Lived in Palestine?
The question Who Lived in Palestine and Who Should Have Rights to Palestine? resonates in the ears of many people to this day and is the basis of one of the most important current conflicts.
The report also states that 1,068 doctors and/or health personnel have been killed; 2 million people have suffered from being displaced from their homes; 488 educational centers have been totally or partially destroyed; more than 700,000 students have no access to education; 904 teachers and educational and scientific personnel have died; thousands of hospitals, mosques and homes are totally or partially destroyed; and among other figures, the terrifying number of 2,300 corpses stolen by Zionist troops (for what purpose?) is mentioned, which speaks very clearly of the inhuman perversity that occurs in Gaza and Palestine. In addition, the number of deaths from cold, hunger and disease is increasing day by day, along with the murder of journalists and an international media blockade that does not allow people to speak freely about what is really happening in Palestine and the Middle East. But in the face of these and other figures, the United Nations (UN) has only given recommendations, warnings and has had to recognize the genocide, but international political actions, sanctions and/or the use of other means to end the genocide have not arrived, they remain absent, while the European colonialist countries remain silent and support the criminal regime of Benjamin Netanyahu, and continue to be subjected to US imperialism, which will soon intensify its hate speech with the arrival of Donald Trump to power. And in the face of all the above, and much more, there are still shameless and “distracted” voices that dare to question the right of the Palestinian people and nation to resist, their right to continue the struggle for their liberation, to exercise all possible forms of resistance to the crime they suffer. Today, a genocide is taking place in Palestine. We are experiencing the greatest crime against humanity of this century. We are also witnessing the heroic Palestinian resistance, which is fighting battles in every sense against the Zionist invasion, against the plundering of its territory, culture and identity, and against the fierce campaign of death by imperialism.
The Palestinian people and nation exercise their right to exist every day, they defend it, and we, the rest of the world, must redouble our forces, regroup our voices and continue to denounce by all means the genocide, the crimes against humanity and the inhuman bestiality that today is called Israeli Zionism and American imperialism. We are entering a new year, 2025, a crucial time period, where belligerence will increase and the people will have to build more lasting bridges of solidarity and internationalism to resist with greater strength.
Palestine will be free!
ength. Stop psychological torture - META - GOOGLE
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