Sunday, 29 May 2016

“Share your story and we will fight together” Be aware of injustice in society!

Finding Facts of the Radio Station in the Age of Misinformation

Compatriots in Toronto: Be careful to whom you reveal your problems. "Not everyone that is smiling in a church, radio station or legal clinic is yours saviors"
Surviving the horrors of Canada’s family court system 
The future of you and your family depends on knowledge on how to protect yourself and to fight back! 
Going through a separation and divorce is likely one of the most devastating events that you and your children will go through in life. It literally can cost you everything you ever accumulated in your lifetime and literally destroy your relationship with your children as well. Most divorce lawyers do not care about you and your problems. In most cases the only reason they take your case is for money, to put their own kids through college or to pay for their luxury cars and holidays. Once you get that through your head you can start to understand how the whole system is set up against you. Continue below...
 Una buena noticia compatriotas!!!
Many Family Court Judges, just as the lawyers, could not care less on whether you are financially ruined by divorce or whether your children are destroyed. Neither do they care about your rights or freedoms. The judge’s only care is that your case proceed through the court, using rules stacked against parents and families in the pursuit of fundamental justice.
In Canada, court actions can take months or even years to get through the court system. Child support obligations last for many years and spousal support can last for lifetime. Because so much is at stake, it is vital that you be armed with the information needed to better your chances of success and reduce the chances of failure. The “Surviving the horrors of Canada’s Family Court System” clinic will help you do just that.

SAN LORENZO COMMUNITY MEDIATION CLINIC and Marxists Leninists working with government money are helping the system to destroy children and Parents!
I will bring evidence and names...
As the courts and legal profession have cleverly protected their monopoly on providing services to the public by enacting laws which make it unlawful for anyone except a lawyer (even an incompetent one) to give “legal advice”, all information given at this seminar/workshop is based solely upon the opinions of dedicated Canadian citizens having experience with the system and should not be construed by any attendee as being official legal advice. Persons should consult with an ethical Family Law Lawyer for “legal advice” You need to learn the right information...information those in the system won’t tell you...or else!

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